
Welcome from Arturo Vargas, INTE director.

On behalf of the members of the Institute of Energy Technologies (INTE) of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), it is a pleasure for me to welcome you to our webpage.

Founded in 1971, INTE is one of five research institutes at UPC. Our activities include scientific and technological research in a variety of fields of knowledge,  transfer of  research results to public and private stakeholders, as well as contribution to graduate studies. All of them are carried out following many of the focus areas of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.

INTE's areas of expertise include applications and measurement of ionizing radiation, catalysis and development of materials for energy applications, metastable and nanocrystalline materials, and instrument design for neutron physics and particle accelerators.

INTE members are distributed among four research groups holding the SGR accreditation from the Generalitat de Catalunya: Advanced Nuclear Technologies (ANT), Materials Characterization (GMC), Dosimetry, Medical Radiophysics and the Environment (DRM), and Nanoengineering of Materials Applied to Energy (NEMEN).

Some of INTE’s research facilities have been accredited by the Spanish National Accreditation Entity (ENAC), according to the ISO 17025 standard to provide calibration services in the field of ionizing radiation, as well as personal and environmental dosimetry services.

Our educational activities include the coordination of Master and PhD programs and the organization of annual training courses approved by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council for supervisors of radioactive facilities.

If you want to know more about our teaching, research and knowledge transfer activities please feel free to browse through our webpage.