Quality Policy

The Institute of Energy Techniques of the Technical University of Catalonia has a quality assurance system in force based on the ISO 17025 standard in the following test laboratories: Thermoluminescent Dosimetry (LTLD) and the Calibration and Dosimetry Laboratory (LCD).

The INTE Management is committed to promoting quality within its laboratories under the framework of the general quality policy of the Institute and the Technical University of Catalonia.

As part of its quality policy of the laboratories, the INTE management ensures that the following aims are complied with:

  • To apply, maintain, continuously correct and improve the quality system in force.
  • To guarantee the integrity, impartiality, independence of the technical reports supplied by the laboratories in their work.
  • To ensure the necessary resources are available to guarantee that the tests carried out provide results that are as accurate as possible and are a true value of the magnitudes measured.
  • To promote good working practices and quality of testing in the services that are offered to clients according to required procedures and the nature of the field of activity of the laboratories.
  • To comply with legal requirements and standards.
  • To continuously update staff knowledge and application technology to different processes.
Documents of interest
Laboratories approved by ENAC