Experimental Nuclear Physics, Applications and Instrumentation (ENPAI): This line is focused in nuclear experimental studies with reactions where neutrons have an important role. We provide new relevant nuclear data for new designs of nuclear technologies, nuclear waste and spent fuel treatment, and astrophysics (nucleosynthesis and nuclei abundances). Our objectives are:
BELEN Detector and BRIKEN experiment. Beta Delayed Neutron emission measurements. The aim is to determine nuclei properties experimentally, focusing on beta delayed neutron emission probabilities of exotic nuclei in the neutron rich region.
MANY project. Measurements of Alpha Neutron Yields. The objective of this project is the study of alpha-neutron reaction properties. In this sense, we are developing a neutron detector (miniBELEN) to assess the neutron background for (α,n) reaction measurements at the CMAM accelerator facility. For this purpose, reaction yields from the 27Al(α,n)30P reaction on thick-targets at different energies will be measured by direct neutron counting and the Time-Of-Flight technique using the miniBELEN and MONSTER detectors, respectively. The results of this study will relay on the development of a scientific programma fucsed on measurements of (α,n) production yields in Spain.
HENSA project. High Efficiency Neutron Spectrometry Array. The aim is to measure the neutron flux from cosmic rays in different areas of Spain. This flow of particles is associated with failures in microcomputer systems that can affect telecommunications of navigation. The first measuremet campaing was carried out from june-2020 to october-2020 in many spanish locations as, Astun sky resort (2100 m high), Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC) headquartersand, Cantabria Physics Institute (Santander) , Sierra nevada Observatory (Granada - 2896 m high), Astronomical Observatory of Javalambre (Teruel -1957 m high), Complutense University of Madrid (Madrid), and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Barcelona)
n_TOF project. The main goal of this project is the study of neutron-induced reactions related with many research areas as basic nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, and nuclear technology. The n_ToF (neutron Time-of-Flight) facility is located at CERN and consist on a pulsed neutron source that generates a wide energy range of neutrons (up to 20 GeV) at high intensities.
SANDA project. Supplying Accurate Nuclear data for energy and non-energy Applications
Neutron dosimetry: Innovative approach to the neutron dosimetry in pulsed and continuos fields
Nuclear structure and astrophysics experiments with radioactive beams and neutrons, and its applications
Study of Beta decay and nuclear reactions for nuclear structure, astrophysics and applications (DEAR). 2015-2018. FPA2014-52823-C2-2-P
Construccion y puesta a punto de prototipos de preamplificadores sensibles a la carga para la detección. 2018-2019. Centro de Estudios Nucleares La Reina (Chile). IP: A. de Blas
PhD Thesis
Nil Mont Geli: Neutron detection for underground facilities, secondary neutrons by cosmic rays and (alpha,n) reactions
Max Pallàs Solís: Measurement of beta-delayed neutron relevant for understanding the formation of the r-process rare earth peak around mass A~160
Benedetta Brusasco: Neutron detection techniques for dosimetry and medical applications
Adrià Casanovas Hoste: Measurement of neutron capture cross section of Tl-204 and Tl-203 isotopes and implications for the stellar nucleosynthesis process (2020)
Albert Riego Pérez: Design of the BELEN detector for wide energy range with flat and high detection efficiency (2016)
Roger Caballero Folch: First measurement of beta-decay half-lives and neutron emission probabilities in several isotopes (2015)
>Master & Bachelor Thesis
TFM->Francisco H. Justel Pizarro: Gestión del envejecimiento de las centrales nucleares (2023)
TFG->Julia Sionís Ponte: Neutron background study of experimental area of the n_TOF facility at CERN (2023)
TFG->Andrew Pastor Mackenzie: Digital data adquisition and pulse processing system for radiation detectors (2023)
TFG->Eric Mayordomo Amorós: Mejora del diseño del dosímetro de neutrones extendido LINrem2 (2022)
TFG->David Ribes Marzá: Study of neutron background at n_TOF facility (2022)
TFG->Emmanuel González Soba: Diseño, desarrollo y puesta a punto del sistema digital de control y gestión de un dosímetro de neutrones (2022)
TFG->Marc Jdidi Benna Escala: Desarrollo de un prototipo de la instrumentación electrónica del dosímetro de neutrones LINrem (2021)
TFG->Marc Suris Carcasona: Mechanical design of neutron dosimeters LINrem (2021)
TFG->Miguel Granados Donlo: Preamplifier simulation response for a neutron dosimeter (2021)