Research team:
David Mani, Lab.Technician
PhD Student:
Dani Mulas
Aims of the programme
- To study the physical, chemical and meteorological processes that are responsible for spatial and temporal variations of radionuclide concentrations in the environment
- To develop measurement methods for environmental surveillance of natural and artificial radionuclides
Current Research Projects
- MetroERM -Motrology for radiological early warning networks in europe
EURAMET ENV57(ist June 2014- 31st May 2017) Stefan Neumaier(PTB) This project aims to deliver metrologically sound measurement of fundamental radiological quantities such as ambient dose equivalent rate, radioactivity concentrations in air and ground contamination levels in real-time. It will provide the unique possibility to comprehensively address the harmonisation of the radiological early warning networks in Europe - the large stand most comprehensive environmental radiation monitoring system worldwide. The INTE-UPC willfocus the activities to validate new detectio nprinciples for the calculation of dose rates and contamination levels from in-situ gamma spectra by Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and benchmark experiments.
- MIC - Intercambios de metano entre el suelo y la atmosfera en la peninsulaIberica SpanishMinistryCGL2013- 46186-R (1st January 2014- 31st December 2016)
Claudia Grossi (IC3) In the project, experimental and modelling studies will be carried out to analyse the air masses transport over the Iberian Peninsula (IP), from global to local scale, and the regional methane emissions. The CH4 emissions will be evaluated through direct and indirect methods. The Radon Tracer Method, a widely used semi-experimental indirect method, will apply by means of: (i) the atmospheric observations of greenhouse gases CH4 and tracers, such as ²²²Rn, (ii) exprimental radon flux campaigns carried out within the MIP project; (iii) meteorological parameters measured continuously at the ClimaDatstations.
- PRISMA - Aerosol optical properties and radiactive frocing in the western Mediterranean as a funtion of chemical composition and sources SpanishMinistry CGL2012-39623-C02-01 (1st January 2013 -31st December 2015)
Andrés Alastuey (CSIC) The main objective is to estimate the direct radiative forcing caused by the atmospheric aerosols in the Western Mediterranean from a database including keyparameters on chemical, physical and optical properties of the aerosols. The INTE-UPC wil lstudy the atmospher estructure by means of measurement of the vertical radon concentration profiles using planes.
Low level background Laboratory |
Associated laboratories
Closed Research Projects
- MATER-2009-2011 "Development and validation of advanced atmospheric dispersion models for their application in radiological emergency systems." MICINN ref. CGL 2008-00473/CLI
- Analysis of the representativeness of PTS ATM backtracking results at the IMS stations.
CTBTO ref 2009-1550 (2010)
- SOSTAQUA-2007-2010 "Environmental radiological impact of subproducts related to water treatment. Risk evaluation due to radioactive components" Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial ref. CENIT 2007-1039
- Study of the problems in determining the total alpha activity index in drinking water: Procedures proposal CSN (2010-2011)
- MEC 2006-2008 "Evolución de los inventarios de aerosoles radiactivos de origen natural y artificial en áreas urbanas".
- MCYT REN-2002-1994. "Estudio de la dinámica de las concentraciones de radón atmosférico en estaciones de control radiológico y su aplicación al movimiento de masas de aire".
- CICYT AMB-99 "Estudio de las relaciones entre concentraciones de gas radón y descendientes radiactivos y las propiedades ambientales. Aplicación al transporte de masas de aire y contaminantes".
- FI3P-CT920034 "Characteristics of radon an thoron daughters aerosols".
- FI4P-CT950025 "Risk assessment of Exposure to Radon Decay Products".
- AMB92-0817-C02-01 "Estudio del impacto radiológico ambiental producido por el gas radón en el interior de edificios".
- AMB96-0988 "Relación entre los parámetros ambientales y el impacto rediológico debido al radón y sus descendientes".
Doctoral theses in progress
PhD Student Thesis title |
Anna Camp Response of aerial and fixed stations with gamma spectrometry detectors for emergency situations |
Institution Supervisor |
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Arturo Vargas Dechsler |
PhD Student Thesis title |
Dani Mulas Medically-derived and natural radionuclides in the urban water cycle |
Institution Supervisor |
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya MA Duch, Antonia Camacho |
Doctoral theses defended in the last five years
Thesis title Author Name |
Optimització de la determinació d´emisors alfa en aigües. Estudi del comportament dels radionucleids en plantes de tractament d´aigua Montserrat Montaña |
Place & year Supervisor |
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013 Isabel Vallès, Antònia Camacho |
Thesis title Author Name |
Study of the atmospheric radon concentration dynamics at the Spanish radiological surveillance stations and its application to air masses movement Dèlia Arnold |
Place and year of defence |
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009 Arturo Vargas Dechsler |
Thesis title Author Name |
Carracterización de aerosoles radiactivos en area urbanas.Aplicación en la ciudad de Barcelona Miguel González de Perosanz |
Place & year Supervisor |
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012 Arturo Vargas Dechsler |
Thesis title Author Name |
²²²Rn as a tracer for air mass transport. Characterization at a 100-m-high tower on theSouthwest Spanish coast Claudia Grossi |
Institution Supervisor |
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012 Arturo Vargas Dechsler |
To browse publication follow the researcher link.: |
All INTE publications are available here |