New paper published by IONHE researchers

Jun 07, 2024

Comparison of experimental measurements and fast Monte Carlo simulations for typical set-ups in fluoroscopically-guided interventional procedures

Our colleagues from the IONHE group have published a new study: 'Comparison of experimental measurements and fast Monte Carlo simulations for typical set-ups in fluoroscopically-guided interventional procedures'

The Monte Carlo application PyMCGPU-IR is capable of calculating personal dose equivalent values, organ doses, and effective dose values for both patient and medical staff during interventional radiology procedures, and visually displaying these results.

In this study, dose values were measured using passive and active dosimeters in phantoms mimicking patient and medical staff in a hospital room at Hospital Sant Pau, Barcelona, using an interventional X-ray system. These measurements were compared with dose results calculated using PyMCGPU-IR. Differences for patient skin dose were up to 5% for mean skin dose and up to 14% for peak skin dose. Regarding Hp(10) values for the main operator, differences were up to 42%, which are acceptable compared to typical variability in occupational dosimetry.

The main advantage of PyMCGPU-IR is its time efficiency, harnessing the computational power of GPUs. Each Monte Carlo simulation took less than 2 minutes, with statistical uncertainties in dose results below 5% (k=2).

The full paper is available here: